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General Dentistry (Fillings, Teeth Cleaning & Dental Treatment)

Child Dental Care:

Baby teeth are just as important as permanent adult teeth. Though they fall out to be replaced by adult teeth, baby teeth are important for growth, development, speech, and psychology of the child. Baby teeth are very important space preservers that allow the permanent teeth to erupt in the proper position.

It is important to take care of your child’s teeth by brushing daily. Baby teeth start to erupt between 5 to 8 months of age. It is important to start cleaning their teeth as soon as they erupt by using a damp cloth or a small baby brush. Your first visit to the dentist should be as early as your child turn 1 year of age. This is to get your child accustomed to a dental clinic and for the dentist to make sure that the teeth and gums are taken care of and cleaned properly. The dentist will also give tips on how to maintain your child’s oral hygiene and dietary tips if necessary.

Tooth brushing can be fun for children! You can start by allowing them to choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste that is most suitable for their age. Use a timer or one of their favorite songs that is around 2 minutes long to make sure your child is brushing for the desired 2 minutes. Ask your dentist about fluoride and fissure sealants that are used to protect your child’s teeth by preventing cavities.